New Concert Film!

We’ve got a brand new, professionally shot concert film. It’s our complete set from New York City’s Mercury Lounge last October (10/28/22, to be exact). You get every song we did, including all the fuck-ups, as well as every reading from Ye Olde Booke of Joy. It was edited by our video maven, Jake Wincek. You can even watch an excerpt from the performance, since we turned “What Pricks We Were” into a music video.

If you want a physical DVD, that can be obtained for $25 (including shipping to the US) by clicking the Buy Now button above. If you just want a digital download of the concert, you can buy one for $15 at Gumroad.

If you want BOTH a digital download AND a DVD, you can also buy that for $25 at Gumroad. We net the same amount whichever option you choose.

Expand this post below to peruse the set list.

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Limited Edition Outtakes CD

We’ll be releasing a deluxe version of All These Fucking Feelings, (retitled to All These CENSORED Feelings so Spotify will let us promote it within their service) digitally on March 31st. It will include 13 outtakes and fan commissions. If you contributed to the IndieGoGo camaign that funded the last record, you should already have all of these, but if not you ma be inerested in th very limited edition CD Propeller will be releasing on that same day.

That disc is titled All These Fucking Outtakes, and you can pre-order it here.